That is the damn question.
It’s always a tough decision when writing—to write hot sex or simply to fade to black. Or… postpone the decision by writing this blog about the damn decision. There was a time when I couldn’t wait for an opportunity to toss my hero and heroine into the sack. As long as it was part of the story, why not?
Do I need sex?
Let me rephrase that. Does the story need sex? Like the kind of steamy stuff I’ve written in the past? Or is the story just as well served by the scene fading to black? After all, ya’ll have great imaginations.
I’m not talking about the vampire books—those puppies will remain full of sex. That’s just a given.
This is about the stand alone books. They’ve always been a little more serious in nature. They’re a mix of romantic suspense and action, and I’ve always kind of liked the way my people come together in these books. The idea that they’re both looking for something more, but willing to accept whatever it is that draws them together seems to work. I’ve always made it a natural part of the flow of the story. It’s not that my characters wouldn’t hop in the sack; it’s a case of how much do I need to show… or tell.
So here I sit with a great story about protecting a witness from the drug cartel while chasing down killers and I once again have to decide—
Does the sex scene help or detract from the story?
*sigh* I think I’ll go write something involving automatic weapons and explosions while thinking it over.